Saturday, June 5, 2010

On Relationships

"9, 10, 11, 12, 14... Wait, where's 13?"
The car bumbles along the uneven road, searching for a number that doesn't appear to exist. Suddenly, a glimpse of red catches my eye. As my mom and I drive closer, it seems to grow bigger, flourishing its own branches, electric among the somber green around it. We roll to a stop, staring up in breathless awe at the twelve foot masterpiece. Planted there is a trio of steel girders, painted flaming red. The massive metal curved around itself, seemingly alive, stretching out its arms like a tree above us. "I think we're here," she whispers. A few minutes later, we're inside, sitting across from a quirky redhead. Her hands move nearly as fast as her mouth, gesturing wildly about the room. We're surrounded by more metalwork, compliments of her husband. She's my new voice teacher. We discuss old teachers I've had and as I explain why the last one didn't work out, I realize that it's just like a relationship. We were together, it didn't work out, and we broke up. Everything in life is a relationship.

I suppose that even those of us who'd rather withdraw, tuck themselves away and avoid others, those who are scared of dating or romance, must end up in a relationship. Going to school, having friends, dating, having a job, driving a car, everything. Our entire lives are built upon other people, impossible without some form of commitment. To live requires commitment. We make choices.We take chances. We're human.

1 comment:

say whatever strikes your fancy, but please, respectfully.