Saturday, April 2, 2011


How to start a blog post? "It was a dark and stormy night..." suggests my partner in crime, author of My Own Kind of Blue. With nowhere to go, and nothing to do, and an insatiable craving for girl scout cookies. So, we attempted. In the end, I deemed it enough of a success to share here with you, though the fact that I share my failures as well is slightly less than promising. We figured it consists of a shortbread cookie, carmel, coconut, and chocolate.

1 cup sugar, 1 cup butter, 2 1/2 cups flour. Simple enough. Cream butter and sugar. Add flour. Oh, do remember that a cup of butter is worth two sticks. That was mistake number one.
Bake for 45 minutes at 275 degrees. Not 375, which was mistake number two. Our first batch burned horribly.

We made the recipe again, which was, evidently, poorly written, because we included an extra half-cup of flour meant for dusting the table. Mistake number three. Cross multiplication came in handy, we adjusted the other amounts, and finally got a decent batch. Roll out the dough, cut into pretty shapes (we used a cookie cutter and a melon baller to get a neat little design). After baking, bump up the oven to 375, and spread shredded coconut on a baking sheet, just until it starts to brown. We managed this on our first try, so it can't be too difficult.

We unwrapped a bagful of carmel and melted them in the microwave. This part we don't have down yet, because it ends up too chewy. Which I guess is mistake four, but we didn't bother to fix it.

I figure it should be tried with heavy cream mixed in, so if anyone finds a way that works, let us know. Cover the cookies with carmel, coat with the coconut, and drizzle with melted chocolate to your liking. They come out halfway decent.

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