It's not really smiled upon to butt into random conversations with fun facts, but lucky for me, it's totally acceptable to post random fun facts on a blog.
Today, I overheard someone say "A tumblr is an online blog," which made me cringe slightly, like when I hear "ATM machine."
Firstly, a tumblr is not a blog, unless you write your own blurbs or take your own pictures. By definition, a blog contain's the writer's, or group of writers', thoughts, experiences, collected information, etc. If it's all someone else's work, and not original, I wouldn't call it a blog. Though, I suppose if you collected a theme and put in effort to keep things in that theme, it may be technically "collected information" or something.
"Online blog" is redundant. The word "blog" is short for "web log," or a log on the web. If it's not online, it's just a log.
Weblog. Isn't that cute?
you know what who's cute, you're cute.