Sexism. Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women. Androcentrism. Centered on, emphasizing, or dominated by males.
Feminism. Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.
As a woman living in a androcentric and sexist world, I know how it feels. I know how it feels to be judged by the size of your behind. I know how it feels to talk to someone who remains focused on your chest, no matter how many times you remind them that your face is higher. However, whenever I feel that no more humiliation can come of it, someone invents something like "iBoobs".

iBoobs, an application for the iPhone that consists of a virtual large chested woman. Shake the screen and her breasts jiggle. I didn't believe this when I first heard it. Honestly? Has the image of women been degraded to virtual breasts jiggling all over some one's phone? Is that all we are? Is that all we can be? Thankfully, Apple has said no because of its "objectionable content".
So, there is still some decency left. Right? Wrong. Although "iBoobs" has been rejected, a newer application, dubbed "Wobble", was approved.
Very much
the same concept, Wobble creates a "3-D jigglefest". The difference? "Wobble" allows the user to add the jiggle to real photos. On a Kenzins article about the iPhone, the description was ,"Jiggle your way to happiness as Wobble, the latest iPhone app, enables you to make anything..well… wobble." Jiggle your way to happiness?

Of course, in Apple's defense, "Wobble" isn't only for breasts. You can make a puppy tail wobble, or a bunny nose. However, go on YouTube and search "iPhone Wobble app". You tell me how many jiggling females pop up, versus how many wobbling puppy tails pop up.
It's time to end this post, so I leave you with some of the most sexist jokes I've ever heard.
"What would men do without women? They would train another animal."
"Why haven't any women ever gone to the moon? It doesn't need cleaning yet"
"Why don't women wear watches? There's a clock on the stove."
"How do you get a woman dizzy?Put her in a circular room and tell her to go to a corner."
On the other end of the spectrum, here's my favorite.
"You always make a rough draft before a masterpiece. That's why God made man before he made woman."
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