Monday, January 3, 2011

Dear Anonymous

"I love you, but this is kind of upsetting. Everyday I go into a dark place, thinking of everything that's gone wrong in my life. Everyday I struggle with depression so much that I don't really want to even live anymore. I'm jealous of those who have perfect lives. Think about that for awhile." -Anonymous comment on Writing

Dear Anonymous,

Forgive me, please, for calling you out like this.
I could tell you nobody lives a perfect life, but of course, you know that. I could just tell you it'll all be alright, but you don't want to hear that, no matter how true it may be. I could tell you that you must find help, but I figure you know that too.

I would prefer to talk to you face to face. It's a comforting thing to hear the voice of someone who loves you. But alas, I can only call you Anonymous. My life isn't perfect. Neither is yours. Nobody has made perfect choices. Perfect choices do not exist in life. All of life, all the joy and excitement and learning comes from the mistakes. And often, mistakes hurt. But please, trust me on this one thing.
There is always another way. Always. Depression feels like there's no other option, that the pain outweighs everything else. But please, don't limit yourself to that pain. Find happiness in the fact that there is always a reason to smile. Always. No matter how small a reason it may be. There is hope in this world, my friend, and you are loved.

Please, call me?

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