Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Anticipation is the greatest moment. Better than the action itself, better than the aftermath. You can have a million scenarios, you can have perfection in any way you dream it can play out, riding high on adrenaline  and excitement. In anticipation, one can revel and delight for hours, compared to the ultimate blip of disappointment built up to be so much more. Anticipation is the building, the imagination, the moment where everything is possible. But on so many levels, it's the farthest from reality.

1 comment:

  1. I used to focus on the action and thought people that wallowed in the anticipation were unfocused, inefficient dreamers, but now I agree with you. Sit shirtless before the performance with your eyes closed listening to your breathing. Wink at your castmates knowing that only another performer knows that feeling of terror before the curtain lifts. Think how good the po-boy will taste even before it's on your plate. Life is short, live it richly.


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