Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mimic Poem: Phenomenal Woman

Other women giggle, judgment in their eyes.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But if I try to teach them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's not about makeup
Or the clothes we wear,
The friends that we have or
How we do our hair.
I'm just a woman
Uncomfortable woman,
That's me.

If I walk into a party,
My heartbeat will speed up,
A flower on the wall,
Ignored by
Lovesick pups.
No one ever would ever see me,
Behind my plastic cup.
I think,
How desperate are we,
For attention of boys
To wear such short dresses,
And dance to loud noise.
I'm a woman
Uncomfortable woman,
That's me.

Lovers are meant for others,
Prettier, not me.
I cannot try
They don't know why
I'm such a mystery.
When I try to show them
I know just what they'll see.
Just the,
Frizz in my hair,
The flaws on my face,
The lack of my breasts,
The fat on my waist.
I'm a woman
Uncomfortable woman,
That's me.

Can't you understand
This pressure to be perfect
Hurts the girls like me.
Self confidence wrecked,
So much effort lost
In the mirrors that reflect.
I see,
The pale untanned,
The stubby bitten nails,
The brown of my eyes,
Clothes bought on sales,
'Cause I'm a woman
Uncomfortable woman,
That's me



  1. 1. this is extremely well written. you truly have a talent.
    2. just keep in mind, you're only pressured to be perfect as long as your aim is to please society. there will always be plenty of people who will appreciate you and love you for who you actually are - not who you are/try to be. those are the people you have to hold close and never let go to

  2. Well done Reagan. You are an amazing writer. I love to read your blog!


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