Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hamburger Dress

Let's interrupt my normal whiny rambling for something completely different.

I knit a dress that looks like a hamburger! And I love my blog and my readers, so I give you pictures, you're welcome.

Anyway, this is it all spread out, before I sewed it up the back. It's cool, right? Lettuce and cheese and meat and all, and the tomatoes cool too.

This is it finished. I'm really proud. Leave comments!

Lots of love,


  1. OH. MY. GOD. I knew there was a reason we're friends. please tell me you're wearing this to avon sit-down.

  2. Rey Rey!!!! It looks AMAZING!!!!!! It is the coolest thing ever, and I second Katie's comment, PLEASE wear it to Avon Sit-Down. :)

  3. I just wanna eat you up!
    Haha gedddiitttt??

    <3 you and your dress

  4. this is literally the coolest thing i've ever seen!
    make me a grilled cheese dress xD
    ~ Liv

  5. you are so hot in that dress :) you look great.

  6. REAGAN: THIS IS FABULOUS. I remember when you were making the top bun!!!! :) nice please wear this to school sometime.

  7. This is completely fantastic. It's my favorite thing in the world. Maybe you should make more and sell them so everyone can be as cool as you. -MP


say whatever strikes your fancy, but please, respectfully.